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To: Two Oceans Marathon


Please stop handing out plastic water sachets, Two Oceans Marathon. Identify more closely with the oceans that the athletes run past, by removing sachets from the race and providing alternatives. Do the right thing. Don’t contribute to pollution of the “two oceans”. Stop the sachets!

Why is this important?

As a continuation of our campaign against single use plastics the WASTE REDUCTION Far South group hereby states its objection to plastic water sachets that are handed out to athletes along the Two Oceans Marathon (TOM) route. The scenic road race runs through the eco-sensitive Far South Peninsula, from Lakeside to Hout Bay, and we would like to see plastic sachets completely eliminated, at least along this strip. Despite efforts to provide bins and clean up after the race, thousands of used sachets and sachet corners land up in storm water drains, oceans, estuaries, river courses, parks and on mountains every year. This is not only unsightly, but harmful to the natural environment. While weather and lack of athlete compliance are partly responsible for this, the TOM organisers can remedy this unintentional littering by not providing water sachets in the first place.
Cape Town, South Africa

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL


2019-02-14 21:01:56 +0200

100 signatures reached

2019-02-14 13:45:59 +0200

We are still waiting for a response from Two Oceans Marathon after sending an open letter to them in November 2018. Demonstrations during the race are the next move....

2019-01-05 07:42:53 +0200

50 signatures reached

2019-01-02 21:00:04 +0200

25 signatures reached

2018-12-18 09:09:14 +0200

10 signatures reached