To: OR Thambo Airport and Mayor and Dept. of Environmental affairs.

SOUTH AFRICA: Vlei areas around airport killing birds from raw sewage

Good Day, I on behalf of many request please that something be put in place to protect the birds and animals that use the vleis for breeding, there are some wild birds like flamingos that arrive in the summer for breeding..there are posts all over facebook and internet about raw sewage being pumped into the vleis..Where is Dept. Of Environmental affairs, why is something not been done to help the birds. Is there a spill response team to help remediate? These are GODS animals being killed off, it us not fair humans are meant to protect them. PLEASE DO SOMETHING.

Why is this important?

Do we like looking at the grace of the birds and sounds they make, who are we as humans supposed to let nature die birds no life..these are their grounds not ours. Birds also have a purpose. Would you like volanteers to help? We as a community would like to help but need your help

O.R. Tambo International Airport, Johannesburg, South Africa

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