Say "No" To Fracking

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Campaigns (5)

  • MALAWI: Don't drill for oil in Lake Malawi
    The value of the Lake to the Malawi population is: (i) a source of water for drinking and domestic use; (ii) a source of food (fish); (iii) a source of income for fishermen and fish-vendors; (iii) it is the biggest tourist attraction in the country.
    2,872 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Francis Chilalika
  • SOUTH AFRICA: Keep Fracking Out of the Drakensberg & Karoo
    The Drakensberg is the source of water on which over 5 million people, in cities like Estcourt, Howick, Pietermaritzburg & Durban, depend on for their water supply. If Fracking is permitted all life in our province stands to be jeopardised. Each fracking well uses between 6 and 25 million litres of water and up to 150 000kgs of sand to create cracks in the rocks and release the gas. Farming in the Drakensberg & Karoo will also be destroyed if the water is polluted, affecting our food supply and raising food prices considerably. We are a water scarce country which has abundant sunlight - surely we should capture this source of energy rather than destroy our water supply? Technical Cooperation Permits have been issued to Rhino Oil and Gas and Sungu Sungu to explore the possibilities of extracting shale gas in Balgowan, Kamberg, Karkloof and surrounding areas.
    1,236 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Sherebanu Kajee
  • Langebaan
    SOUTH AFRICA: STOP Mining Companies from killing the West Coast's unique biosphere
    The West Coast has a unique and ecologically critical ecosystem and the following is under immediate threat if the mining company EEM is not stopped immediately in the Supreme Court. The Langebaan Lagoon (which is a RAMSAR site and a marine protected area) is an 'aquifer dependant lagoon' and the Elandsfontein aquifer which feeds the Lagoon has been described by experts as 'highly vulnerable and susceptible to anthropogenic pollutants and disturbance' and 'potentially extremely environmentally sensitive' due to its intergranular sandy structure. The Department of Water Affairs have outlined in their research that: • the Langebaan Road aquifer and the Elandsfontein aquifer are connected with one another as different influences have the same impact on the monitoring holes of both aquifers, • water flows from the Elandsfontein aquifer to the Langebaan Lagoon through Geelbek, • water also flows from Elandsfontein to the Langebaan Road aquifer, • if the aquifer should be dried up for whatever reason, the sand formations, will lose its capability to store water permanently, • if pollution of any nature should occur the Langebaan Road aquifer, Elandsfontein aquifer and the Langebaan Lagoon will be affected. EEM is proposing to mine within: • a 10-million-year old aquifer, which is a critical groundwater source within a 30 km radius, • a Core 1 area of a UNESCO Biosphere, • an internationally significant heritage area, described as an “Origin of Man” site, • a Critical Biodiversity Area, • a Buffer zone of the West Coast National Park and • a climate adaptive corridor, • an area that is signed into an international Convention on Biological Diversity treaty (South Africa is a signed partner) as part of the Park Expansion Plan Program, • a priority climate change adaptation corridor where they will be mining on endangered vegetation with 16 Red Data species, • a most vulnerable municipality with regards to climate change, • a planned protected area, • a groundwater catchment area, and • an inter-regional biodiversity corridor.
    261 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Elsa Wessels
  • Harrismith
    SOUTH AFRICA: Don't Use Hydraulic Fracturing near Harrismith/Verkykerskop/Van Reenen/Bergville Area
    We are concerned about the wastage of water used for the Fracking process and the possible impact on our groundwater.
    246 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Marius Swart
  • EAST AFRICA: Against gas and oil degradation in the Lake Tanganyika
    They are dependent on fishing for their livelihood. Furthermore, the lake is home to a very large variety of fish. The danger is simply too great for these species to become extinct by the degradation of raw materials. I urge those responsible to deal with this issue before making premature decisions and destroying life at and in the lake.
    139 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kai Brunner