• Pour une meilleure gestion des ordures ménagères à Saint-Louis
    Bien qu’inscrite au Patrimoine Mondial de l’Humanité (UNESCO), bien qu’ancienne capitale de l’AOF et considérée comme capitale culturelle du Sénégal, malgré la présence de plusieurs réserves naturelles protégées sur son territoire étendu, la Ville de St-Louis croule aujourd’hui littéralement sous les déchets. Les déchets sont les premiers à nous accueillir à Saint-Louis, ils jalonnent notre chemin dans la ville, ils défigurent les paysages pourtant paradisiaques, ils contaminent notre fleuve duquel est extrait l’eau que nous buvons, ils ulcèrent les espèces terrestres qui nous nourrissent, ils font le foyer de maladies graves pour ceux qui n’ont pas accès à la salubrité, ils contaminent les sols pour les décennies à venir, ils étouffent les espèces terrestres et marines protégées qui viennent ici nicher, ils marquent à jamais négativement le touriste et donne une idée bien triste de l’Afrique. Ils sont notre quotidien et nous pourrions être tentés de croire qu’il s’agit ici d’une cause perdue. Nous, résidents de la Ville de Saint-Louis du Sénégal, nous nous y refusons !
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Latrubesse Maya
  • Take action to stop sewage pollution of the Hennops river
    South Africa's water recourses are scarse and threatened, all our rivers need to be protected. The water quality of the Hennops River at present is comparable to raw sewage, the acceptable ratio of E. coli is 1000 units per 100 ml ,at present it is 1000 000 units per 100 ml. The Hennops River is part of the greater Crocodile river system.
    569 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Paul Maartens
  • Save The Vaal Dam & River - South Africa - Free State
    To prevent human and animals from contracting viral and bacterial infections. this will have a negative long term effect on millions of species to put it mildly.
    2,917 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Bertram Carroll
  • ALGERIA: No to Shell Gas in Algeria
    It is so important to ask and act so that tests for shell gas stop in the Sahara of Algeria, the Greatest Sahara in the World, a Beautiful Place, full of life, there, we can find the Largest reserve of Underground Water, adding to that, people there suffered 50 years ago from Nuclear Tests done by the French, so it must be stopped now.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Menad BOUHAS
    A huge amount of in- and exports across the countries are done by trucks. These trucks cause air pollution, noise and worsen street conditions. Nowadays everyday products are ordered on the internet from all over the world and far distances of transportation is not a big deal anymore . An investment in better infrastructure can ensure cleaner air, and renew and expend the rail links. When more people will go by train rail ticket are easier to afford and it will decrease the need of a car. Unfortunately the costly car is still a must for more rural areas. I am a passionate biker and hate to suffocate on the exhaust fumes of vast trucks.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sebastian Schluckner
  • SOUTH AFRICA: Keep Fracking Out of the Drakensberg & Karoo
    The Drakensberg is the source of water on which over 5 million people, in cities like Estcourt, Howick, Pietermaritzburg & Durban, depend on for their water supply. If Fracking is permitted all life in our province stands to be jeopardised. Each fracking well uses between 6 and 25 million litres of water and up to 150 000kgs of sand to create cracks in the rocks and release the gas. Farming in the Drakensberg & Karoo will also be destroyed if the water is polluted, affecting our food supply and raising food prices considerably. We are a water scarce country which has abundant sunlight - surely we should capture this source of energy rather than destroy our water supply? Technical Cooperation Permits have been issued to Rhino Oil and Gas and Sungu Sungu to explore the possibilities of extracting shale gas in Balgowan, Kamberg, Karkloof and surrounding areas.
    1,233 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Sherebanu Kajee
  • CAMEROON: Stop Overgrazing in Mbengwi
    This would improve on the food situation as water catchments which are drying up will come back supplying the much needed water for agriculture. Food security would be guaranteed and social conflicts which are on the rise in Mbengwi, North West Cameroon would be checked.
    62 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christopher FON ACHOBANG
  • Stop releasing balloons in memory of....
    Releasing balloons is harmful to wildlife and marine life.. Balloon cause birds and other marine life to starve to death because they swallow the balloons and can not eat. The strings get tangled branches and catch birds and they can't get out and starve or are hurt.
    175 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Joan Kolessar
  • SOUTH AFRICA: Renewable Energy RSA
    The energy crisis in South Africa is reaching tipping point, economic growth has slowed down and the prices of electricity are rising shaper as there is no competitor to Eskom.
    258 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Dumisani Sibusiso Thwala
  • MALAWI: Don't drill for oil in Lake Malawi
    The value of the Lake to the Malawi population is: (i) a source of water for drinking and domestic use; (ii) a source of food (fish); (iii) a source of income for fishermen and fish-vendors; (iii) it is the biggest tourist attraction in the country.
    2,872 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Francis Chilalika
  • [WON] Say NO to Release of GMO Vaccine in South Africa
    Intervet (Pty.) Ltd would like to introduce the vaccine, Innovax®- ND, to South Africa under the Genetically Modified Organisms Act (GMO’s) of 1997, Innovax®- ND is a frozen, cell associated, live virus vaccine that contains the recombinant serotype 3 Herpes Virus of Turkeys (HVT) with the Fusion gene of Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV-F). The HVT/NDV-F strain contains the Fusion (F) gene from NDV. It is approved for in ovo administration for 18-day embryos and by subcutaneous vaccination for healthy 1-day-old chickens. There have already been significant warnings about the use of genetically modified virus and vaccines. A research paper published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health in 2006 stated: "Genetically modified (GM) viruses and genetically engineered virus-vector vaccines possess significant unpredictability and a number of inherent harmful potential hazards... Horizontal transfer of genes... is well established. New hybrid virus progenies resulting from genetic recombination between genetically engineered vaccine viruses and their naturally occurring relatives may possess totally unpredictable characteristics with regard to host preferences and disease-causing potentials. ...There is inadequate knowledge to define either the probability of unintended events or the consequences of genetic modifications." Genetic Modifications While scientific progress on molecular biology has a great potential to increase our understanding of nature and provide new medical tools, it should not be used as justification to turn the environment into a giant genetic experiment by commercial interests. The biodiversity and environmental integrity of the world's food supply is too important to our survival to be put at risk. Intervet (Pty.) Ltd Furthermore Intervet (Pty.) Ltd is nothing more about then a front organisation for the international research and development, production and marketing company MSD Animal Health. Who are also known to use dogs, cats and other animals in experiments at MSD Animal Health.
    1,217 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Delwyn Pillay Picture
    This issues of waste is more like a pandemic short of, its destroying our beloved environment and so it's not a war to be fought alone. Together we can win.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by SETHGARD OLUOCH OTIENO Picture