• Niger Delta Oil And Gas Pollution
    I am a Niger Deltan and a Citizen of the United States currently living in the US. When I left Nigeria in 2018, The situation was very bad. We woke up with black soothe in our beds, our bodies, cars and furniture. After showers, the bathtub got black and sticky. Even my cat would leave my palm black when I pet him. My Mom would cough and cough and spit out all colours of mucus. The sky is grey just like what goes on in China. The NIGER DELTA is no doubt one of the most polluted places on earth. I called my Mom this morning (08/04/2021), And she says it has only gotten worse, 100 times worse and Is considering leaving the country now. But what of my aunties, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, and neighbours who can not leave? People from various parts of the country now migrate to the Niger Delta to partake in the illegal processing of raw crude stolen from pipelines(Bunkry) and is considering leaving the country. I have first-hand witnessed this destruction as I worked in the oil and gas industry before leaving the country. The standards of even the authorized oil drilling companies are poor and sub humane. Very environmentally unfriendly to say the least. I am sure you know this already given your position. I know well enough that I am a grain of sand on the beach but it aches my heart to see our beach like this and I can’t sit still. It just takes a little, love and humanity to care.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Glory Batubo
  • Make Trophy Hunting on Wild Animals in Tanzania Illegal
    Trophy hunting is unethical, cruel, harmful and unsustainable. Killing rare animals such as lions, elephants and other wild animals for trophies is not responsible hunting. Elephants and lions are already endangered, so it's dangerous for our ecological balance which means killing them is dangerous for the whole plant earth as it weakens the ecological balance. Without regulations forbidding and punishing trophy hunting, cruel unethical hunters will keep torturing these animals and destroying the plant earth and they are seriously proud of it as they think being rich makes them stand above the law. Examples are hunting safari companies which are owned by people who kill baby elephants and then are proud of having murdered an innocent elephant.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jasmin Elisa Mueller
    7 of 100 Signatures
  • NIGER: Non aux dechets plastics
    Car avec des usines et les unités de recyclage de déchets plastics on contribuera à préserver l'agriculture familiale dans nos pays Sahéliens car vous n'êtes pas sans savoir que les déchets sont nocifs et mettent 100 à 150 ans avant de se transformer une fois enfouis dans le sous sol le seul lieu où la majorité de nos populations tirent leur alimentation pour la survie quotidienne à moyen et long terme.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mahamadou Assoumane
  • CAMEROON: Trier les déchets
    Trier ses déchets permet de protéger l'environnement car beaucoup de déchets se dégradent difficilement et s'ils contient des composants chimiques, ces derniers polluent les sols et l'eau. Aussi, il est possible de recycler ces déchets et de les transformer en matière première économisant nos ressources naturelles à condition de les trier au préalable pour que certains déchets ne souille pas d'autres rendant le recyclage plus complexe.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nzie Chris